1. biomedical equipment technician.
2. biomedical engineer.
3. blood and urine analysis equipment.
1. If a doctor needs help using a medical imaging machine, a biomedical equipment technician might be called to assist the doctor.
2. If a manufacturing company wants to develop a new biomedical machine, they might call on a biomedical engineer to help design and develop the product.
3. If you get a certification as a laboratory equipment specialist, you will specialize in the use of blood and urine analysis equipment.
Pepper Goes Missing
June 22, 1965
Passing of the Animal Welfare Act (Public Law 89-544)
August 24, 1966
Animal Welfare Act Expands
December 24, 1970
Increasing Protection for Animals in Transit
April 22, 1976
Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals
December 23, 1985
Pet Protection Act
November 28, 1990
Redefining "Animal"
January 23, 2002
Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act
May 3, 2007
Further Protections for Dogs
June 18, 2008
Modifying the Definition of "Exhibitor"
January 10, 2013
The answer is the last choice. "a behavioral change and is not related to the internal environment".
I hope this helps.