functional groups
Functional groups are molecules with specific atoms and have their own chemical properties when attached to some other substances. Glucose is a simple sugar and has an aldehyde group (CHO) as its functional group. The presence of CHO in it makes it be present in food without any harmful impacts. On the other hand, hexanoic acid has COOH (carboxylic group) as its functional group. COOH group has a tendency to donate its protons and become ionized. It is toxic as it is reactive and tends to affect the pH of the food or solution in which it is present.
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Only thing I remember from middle school science
In geology, a graded bed is one characterized by a systematic change in grain or clast size from one side of the bed to the other. Most commonly this takes the form of normal grading, with coarser sediments at the base, which grade upward into progressively finer onesI just learned about this in our rocks and minerals unit for science,
Plant cells are bigger because they have bigger/larger Vacuoles.
These vacuoles hold water and food for the cell its like a storage for the cell.