The prefix for where Karen got a scar is naso-
Naso- means pertaining to the nose. Derived from nose and nasal.
Origin is from Latin - nãsus.
Refers to the organ of smell or entrance to the respiratory system.
Examples of words in which this is used is nasopharyngeal, nasopharynx, nasobuccal, nasociliary, nasofrontal, nasogastric, nasolachrimal, nasofacial, nasoocular, nasopalatal, nasorostral.
1. dendrite = directs impulses toward the soma.
2. axon = conducts impulses toward the synaptic terminal.
3. perikaryon = region surrounding nucleus.
4. collateral branches = main branches of an axon.
5. synaptic terminal = enlarged end of an axon.
6. synaptic vesicles = contains neurotransmitters.
7. axon hillock = connects the cell body and axon.
8. Nissl bodies = clusters of RER and free ribosomes.
9. telodendria = fine branches of an axon.
10. myelinated internode = part of axon covered by Schwann cell.
11. neurilemma = Schwann cell's plasma membrane.
12. axolemma = membrane of the axon.
13. astrocyte = Forms the blood-brain barrier.
14. cell body = soma.
Keep soft objects,loose bedding
Clockwise movement of the right scapula is called Adduction.