The Paris Peace Conference was an international meeting convened in January 1919 at Versailles just outside Paris. <em><u>The purpose of the meeting was to establish the terms of the peace after World War.</u></em>
The Paris Peace Conference, also known as the Versailles Peace Conference, was the meeting in 1919 and 1920 of the victorious Allied Powers following the end of World War I to set the peace terms for the defeated Central Powers.
<span>The relationship between inflation/deflation with </span>William Jennings Bryan's Cross Gold Speech is about how the country's economy had to accept the imposition of gold as the only way to validate American money; which Bryan felt was a punishment (making a clear allusion to the crucifixion and crown of thorns) the fact that only gold was proof of the real value of money and hence the economic depressions could originate. His solution to the economic depression he had started since 1893 was to mint "easy money" silver coins, with very little gold (a ratio of 16 to 1), unlimited, to end the depression.
True only females could not vote in that time period.
Rights by their nature cannot be taken away. Every human has Human Rights regardless of the situation or circumstances surrounding him.
Rights can be infringed or denied, but this does not mean they cease to exist. It means only that whoever infringed those rights has committed a crime against the victim. The example of slavery serves. The slave has a right to life, property, and self-defense. To require him to serve at the pleasure of a master with the power of torture and life or death is to commit a crime against the slave. The crime is especially egregious because the slave has no choice in any decisions relating to his own life, property, and defense.