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D: Poetry includes line breaks primiarly to emphasize images
Prose looks like large blocks of words. Poetry is typically reserved for expressing something special in an artistic way. Poetry uses line breaks for various reasons—to follow a formatted rhythm or to emphasize an idea. Lines can run extremely long or be as short as one word or letter.
Unites People
The Muslim religion is supposed to unite people together to form a more peaceful world. Everyone should treat each other with respect and kindness, and by following the lessons taught in the Qur'an, they can form a better world. They should all prostrate to Allah and live simple yet pious lives.
Pyramid of Menkaure
Pyramid of Menkaure. The third of the major pyramids at Giza belongs to Menkaure. This is the smallest of the three, rising to a height of 65 meters (213 feet), but the complex preserved some of the most stunning examples of sculpture to survive from all of Egyptian history.
The Mississippi was used for transportation and their were ports along it before the LA purchase