September 11th is one of the pivotal moments of the Twenty First century and still has an impact on the United States today. You
r assignment is to ask someone, a family member or friend, who remembers the events of September 11th 2001. Ask them where they were when they learned what happened, how they felt and what they remember. Please make sure to have at least 3 sentences
I was alive and remember it well as many in my generation do.
I was 19 when the attacks occurred in my sophomore year of college. I was walking into my 8:00 class when our professor informed us class was cancelled due to an attack in New York. I went back home and watched the news for the rest of the day. It showed the videos of the attacks and reported on information and pieces began to come together.
This event shaped our domestic and foreign policies we experience today. For someone who can remember the event, we can also remember the ease of a flight or the lack of restrictions around the country. For people too young to remember or barely alive at the time of the attack, the event has shaped their lives as Americans.