"Natures First Green Is Gold," indicates nature's first green is youth, because every living thing begins with youth.
"Her Hardest Hue To Hold," represents that youth is very hard to keep because they get older in age.
This poem has 2 meanings, Good things never last forever, and youth and innocence. That life may seem perfect when going right, but this won't stay forever. Every living things is beautiful, and every beautiful things may eventually die. Robert Frost is saying good things will not stay forever. Many times in a person's life there will be unhappiness and sorrow, the good times will end. Even though the great times will end. Even though the great times come to an end, they will be followed by more great times.
Alliteration is a term to describe a literary device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant sound.
"She sells seashells by the sea-shore." or "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."
When I arrived at home I saw an unfamiliar face in the window I wasn’t sure who it was or what they were doing there but they were in my house .When I get home from school there is never anyone in !Im always on my for hours till my drunk dad gets home and my tipsy mom that was why I was surprised to see I face .I peaked through the window pressing my face on the glass trying to spot my mom I couldn’t see her .My heart was pounding the lady that I thought I had saw was no longer there .I felt a chill like someone was breathing on me .I turned around to find out ....
John's is the possessive noun.