Bachelor's degrees can be earned at four-year institutions and a small number of community colleges that have added baccalaureate programs in recent years. Schools offer Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) and other specialty designations.
4 = 2
I don't know for 5, sorry
There aren't any large cities in the Southern Part of the Arabian Peninsula due to the Arabian Desert.
Arabian Peninsula is the largest Peninsula in the world and is made up of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, UAE. It also includes some parts of Iraq and Jordan.
However, in modern times, Saudi Arabia covers more than 60% of the land area.
The area has always been sparsely populated, especially in the south as you go deeper into the Arabian desert.
It is a harsh climate and a difficult terrain, where it is not easy to grow food. Hence, the area is mostly made up of small villages and towns.
The speaker of the house is in front of the house of representatives. She usually does not preside over the debates personally, instead she delegates this function to another member of the majority party´s chamber. In addition to presiding over the chamber, she has administrative and procedural functions and remains a Representative of his own district.
It occupies second place in the line of presidential succession, after vice presidency of the United States, which also assumes <em>ex officio </em>the presidency <em>pro tempore </em>of the senate. It is a similar charge to the election of a prime minister in a parliamentary regime.
3. Observational learning
Observational learning is a learning process that occurs by observing the behaviour of others.
Here, an individual learns basically from a model.
Model here means higher authority or people we look up to or admire.
The model can be teachers, parents, siblings, etc.
Most learned activities were through observstional learning, example putting On the television.