The idealistic approach is more valuable in the long-term, because it not only offers solutions to present and future problems, but it also offers a vision: an idea about the future for a person, a corporation, a city, or a nation.
The practical approach is more valuable in the short-term. While long-term ideas and vision of the idealists can be fulfilled, there are many concrete problems that need to be solved in the meantime, and this is the time and place where practical people shine.
Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad is an interesting and well-written book that tells the story of an extraordinarily courageous and committed woman. Tubman continues to inspire those seeking dignity for all people in America. Petry's dramatization of Tubman's perseverance and sense of purpose in leading slaves to freedom shows how a motivated individual can bring about change.
Petry intends for Harriet Tubman to fill a void in an important part of United States history and asserts that "the majority of textbooks used in high schools do not give an adequate or accurate picture of the history of slavery in the United States." A completely adequate and accurate account of slavery would no doubt require many volumes, yet this biographical novel represents significant movement toward that ideal. It juxtaposes well-known historical information with details about Tubman's "underground" activities. This technique adds depth and relevance to the story of Tubman's achievements.
No, because evidence of the beliefs or opinions of a witness on matters of religion is not admissible to impair credibility.
In this context, credibility is only attained by an oath sworn with lawfully certified objects or items representing the religious beliefs of the state and not necessarily the genuine or validity of the witness declaration with such religious object to swore against the declaration of truth in the court of law.
Home eventually comes to mean family for Walter