The northern borderlands of the Spanish colonies are now situated in the south of the United States. This place is rather dry and desertic compared with the center of Mexico, what used to be the heart of the colonies. They didn't have the means to make it productive land and produce crops, and didn't have the workforce either. Indians living there were nomadic and offered great resistance to Spanish subjugation, the opposite from the tribes living in the centre of Mexico, sedentarian and already used to the dominance of an empire, the Aztec one.
before the great Anglo-American migration; included Serrano, Chumash, Pomo, Maidu, ... native people who were the most widespread presence in the West; some ... tended cattle and performs other duties on horseback as overseer/insurance ... tribal ownership of land; forcibly removed some native children from homes ...
Jawapannya berarak.
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Don sila pos di bahhasa ingerris masa akan datang. :)
No, I would not expect the borders of a gerrymandered district to appear on a map as a rectangle of circle or some other recognizable shape because first of all, geographic shapes cannot be compared to simple geometric shapes and a “gerrymandered” district would have an odd and bizarre shape, just like what happened when Gov. Elbridge Gerry redrew the Senate districts map – it looked like a salamander.
Racial Inequality and segregated bus terminals.
The original purpose of the Freedom Riders was to go through Southern bus terminals to protest the injustice. During their trip, they were brutally attacked by White Southerners leading to public outcry. The Freedom Riders helped challenge and remove segregation in America.