Invasive species depopulating Native species.
Food refers to any nutritious substance whereas diet refers to the food eaten by organisms daily.
2,110 calories.
1. Food refers to any nutritious substance that an organisms eat in order to survive and maintain growth whereas diet refers to the sum of food that is consumed by an organism.
2. Malnutrition refers to a condition that occurs from eating a diet which does not supply a healthy amount of nutrients to our body whereas hunger refers to a feeling of discomfort that is caused by lack of food.
3. No, it is not possible to be over-nourished and under-nourished at the same time because a person can attain one condition at a time whether he can be over-nourished or under-nourished.
4. The three elements of food security are availability, access and consumption of food. Availability of food means having sufficient quantities of nutritive food available to a person, access means having sufficient resources to have access to the food and consumption means having taking sufficient amount of nutrients and the ability to absorb and use nutrients in the body.
5. 2,110 calories are taken by consuming 345g of carbohydrate, 80 g of protein, 45g of fat and 12g of alcohol.
The correct answer is- Lophotrichous
There are four types of bacteria based on the presence and distribution of flagella on them. The bacteria which have only one flagellum at one pole that bacteria is called monotrichous.
The bacteria which have single flagella at both sides are called amphitrichous. Bacteria that have numerous flagella distributed evenly on their body surface are called Peritrichous.
The bacteria which have a tuft of flagella attached on one side or pole are called lophotrichous. Therefore the correct answer is lophotrichous.
it's a hope it helps you out
If they display A, B and Rh antigens, they are type AB+ blood.