The Urinary bladder controls the elimination of urine from the body.
- The lower abdomen contains this triangle-shaped, hollow organ. Ligaments that are connected to the pelvic bones and other organs hold it in place.
- When storing pee, the bladder's walls relax and expand; when emptying urine through the urethra, they contract and flatten.
- The typical healthy adult bladder has a two to five-hour storage capacity of up to two cups of urine.
Three parts of bladder allow urine to be discharged:
- A pair of sphincter muscles. By tightly shutting around the bladder opening like a rubber band, these circular muscles assist prevent urine leakage.
- In the bladder's nerves. When it's time to urinate or empty the bladder, the nerves let the person know.
- Urethra. Urine can travel through this tube and leave the body. Urine leaks from the bladder as a result of the brain's tightening signal to the bladder muscles.
learn more about Urinary bladder here:
C. It is a male with atleast one dominant allele
In the given pedigree, the two normal parents of the generation I have one daughter with the attached earlobe. Since the trait is recessive, the daughter should be homozygous recessive to express the trait. The genotype of the daughter (shaded circle in generation II) is "aa". To have a daughter with "aa" genotype, both the parents should have one copy of "a" allele. So, the genotype of both parents is "Aa".
In generation II, individual A is non-shaded square. Squares represent males in a pedigree. Since its not shaded, it does not have attached earlobe. Both the parents are heterozygous dominant for attached earlobes (Aa x Aa = 1/4 AA : 1/2 Aa : 1/4 aa). The genotype of this individual may be AA or Aa.
-Disruptive selection
Disruptive selection results in the creation of two distinct phenotypes.
-Disruptive selection is a type of natural selection that selects against the average individual in a population. The make up of this type of population would show phenotypes of both extremes but have very few individuals in the middle.
-The variance of the trait increases and the population is divided into two distinct groups. The disruptive selection will cause organisms with intermediate traits to reproduce less, and will allow those organisms with extreme traits to reproduce more.
Two of the above are true