I think false not to sure if correct can you do branliest maybe
Before the USS Maine exploded, the United States was trying to expand as a world power. Thus, many Americans blamed Spain for the explosion of the USS Maine because it gave them a reason to declare war on Spain and take control of Spanish territory in the Pacific and Caribbean.
Conference committee
A conference committee is a special joint committee that brings together members of the House of Representatives and Senate to resolve issues in legislation to create a bill based in compromise.
A conference committee is used when the House and Senate versions of a bill differ enough that the bill will not be passed in its current state. These committees must compromise to create a new bill or the legislation will be at risk of dying before a vote. Major issues are typically the focus of conference committees such as health care, education, and human rights legislation.
(See explanation for further details)
- Economía de mercado (Market economy)
- Propiedad privada en bienes, servicios y medios de producción (Private property on goods, services and means of production)
- Iniciativa individual (Individual initiative)
- Economía de planificación central (Central planning economy)
- Propiedad estatal en bienes, servicios y medios de producción (State property on goods, services and means of production)
- Colectivismo (Colectivism)
Chronological thinking is the foundation of historical reasoning—the ability to examine relationships among historical events and to explain historical causality