After the conquest, Rome got access to and control of some very important trade routes. This brought in a lot of business and in turn wealth to the people of Rome . This was what caused a new class of wealthy Romans to emerge.
Ans: Nationalism lead people to conflict. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated due nationalism by the Black Hand, a nationalist group that intended to liberate the Serbs from the Austro-Hungarian occupation. The death of Franz Ferdinand was one of the most important factos to cause the World War I.
There were a few causes that led to the American declaration of war against the British in 1812. At this time Britain was at war with France and attempted to cut off trade between the US and France. Additionally at sea the British were impressing US seamen or forcing them to become part of the British Royal Navy. Another cause of the war was that the British were helping to arm Native Americans to prevent American expansion westward. As a result of these forces the U.S. eventually went to war with Great Britain.