One form of resistance was slowing down the picking of cotton. Slaves would intentionally go slower so that they could have an easier time in the fields. This was combatted by the Southern Plantation owners after a while by whipping the slaves severely during their first picks and then mandating that they had to pick at least as much cotton every time after.
Another form of resistance was to run away. The Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves escape to the north and to freedom.
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Dante is standing at the mouth of hell with Virgil and he feels a great sense of dread and apprehension about continuing. Virgil then tells him that a women told him to find Dante and be his guide in hell, this lady was Beatrice. She came down from Heaven to tell Virgil of Dante's story and ask him to help Dante. Beatrice was Dante's true love (in real life and in the story) who died and is now counted among the blessed in Heaven. She had learned of Dante's plight from St. Lucia, also in Heaven, who in turn heard about the poor poet from the Virgin Mary. Beatrice symbolizes divine love and is sent by Mary and Lucia to help Dante by enlisting Virgil's help. Beatrice also knows that Dante will listen to Virgil if he knows that she has intervened and still loves him and that he is being watched over.
Containment Policy
Under the policy of containment, developed at the beginning of the Cold War, the United States' primary foreign policy goal was to stop the spread of Soviet influenced communism.
Vietnam was, as its core, a war to stop communism from spreading.
Native American tribes had treaties violated and were forcibly removed from their homes by the U.S. government
Option: A
U.S government forcefully removed native Americans from their land. Native Americans refers to those who lived in the continent from their initiation. Their culture, tradition was different from the general public of United States. U.S government behave with them in a very brutal way and compelled them to leave their native place forcefully.
But still now they exist. At present they are facing educational challenges. They are not getting adequate facilities, qualified teachers, willing students to do more higher studies. Maximum students are dropping out their education in the mid of school.