The order in which the amino-acids are placed within the polypeptide determines the tertiary structure and therefore the function of the given protein. Amino acids have different functional groups like methyl(CH3), phenyl(C6H5). Those functional groups can interact with molecules like glucose determining reactions, the proteins that catalyze reactions are called enzymes. Other functional groups of amino acids can be the sulfate groups. For example, insulin has 2 polypeptide chains(Chain A has 21 amino acids, and chain B, 30). Between the two polypeptide chains, 2 disulfide bonds form altering its shape.
D) #recombinant=116+601+4+2+113+625=1462
E) I=1-Q
Q-coefficient of coincidence
Q=O2Xo/E2xo(2xo-double crossovers)
P=(distance from C1 to Sh/100)*(distance from Sh to Wx/100)
Usually microorganisms help keep the nutrients in the soil cycling allowing for nutrients to be distributed all over. But they do what they can unless the disease is damaging to the soil itself therefore damaging the microorganisms working to keep the plant functioning.
Once water vapor is in the atmosphere, low temperatures cause the vapor to either condense into a liquid or undergo deposition to form ice crystals. Water droplets can form clouds from the atmosphere.
I hope this helped!