He was practicing <u><em>cultural relativism</em></u>
<em><u>Cultural relativism</u></em> is an anthropological concept that <u>tries to explain the relation of culture and socialization, in other words, it is the act to see different cultures without any pre-concept or ethnocentrism.</u> This term was first studied by the anthropologist Franz Boas and understood as an important factor in human socialization.
When Luther experienced these situations, especially the religious rituals, <u>he was trying to understand how those cultural aspects were important to create an identity for the people of that location. </u>In many aspects, these experiences were important to create his notion about faith and religion. He understood how each culture, and each people on the planet, despite their differences, share the same respect to the other, to their faiths, and for what they care.
We are going to discuss about two influential figures of progressive era: Theodore Roosevelt and Jane Addams.
From 1890 until the 1920s, American history witnessed a phase called the progressive period saw a combination of social and political change that aimed to reduce inequality, corruption, and initiate reforms that would make society more equitable.
Theodore Roosevelt served as the president of the United States (1901-09), was a prominent Progressive Period political figure. he was known for his stand against corruption and the control of monopoly of the corporations. In U.S. civil service and industrial sectors, Roosevelt confronted fraud and patronage systems. As President, he has been active in the signing of laws aimed at progressive ideals.
Jane Addams was one of the social reformers during the progressive period with the most influence. She was known for her role as an activist, social worker, and a pioneer in the women's suffrage movement. Her thoughts on concrete changes to strengthen the family, the local communities and the country have been influential. She is regarded as the founder of social work in the United States and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her work on emphasizing peace and international affairs.
Eat fruit (apples, oranges, etc) and other healthy foods and the sun produces some vitamins so go outside sometimes too
Impeaching a president is a really big deal that has huge consequences for the nation. So the framers wanted to make sure that impeaching the president could only be done when there was an overwhelmingly convincing reason to do so. Your best answer is the last one: the framers wanted to ensure that presidents were not removed from office unfairly.
1. Answer:
- W ramach obrony Hitler planował zaatakować sąsiednie kraje. Mając około 1,5 miliona żołnierzy, postanowił zacząć od pierwszego ataku na Polskę. Granica około 1750 mil była kontrolowana przez armię niemiecką.
- Zbombardowali wiele lotnisk w Polsce i uniemożliwili innemu krajowi ingerowanie w ich praktyki wojenne. Podpisali pakt z ZSRR. W którym oba kraje potajemnie postanowiły podzielić Polskę na dwie części.
- Niemcy wygrały wojnę i zajęły Polskę. Później postanowili zaatakować Danię, Norwegię, Belgię, Francję, Grecję,
- W wyniku tego spustoszenia Wielka Brytania i Francja połączyły ręce, aby walczyć z Niemcami i powstrzymać Hitlera.
2. Answer:
Hilter chciał etnicznie oczyścić Europę Wschodnią. Chciał, aby kraje te zostały skolonizowane przez Niemców. Nie ujawnił tego jednak otwarcie, dlatego stosując różne taktyki zainicjował wojnę z Polską. Miał agresywną politykę zagraniczną. Wkrótce po wygranej z Polską rozpoczął kampanię przeciwko Żydom i przedstawił światu straszne dni holokaustu.
<u>Kiedy League of Nation nie powstrzymała go przed pójściem dalej na wojnę, ówcześni politycy wpadli na nowy pomysł ułaskawienia Hitlera. Pozornie dałoby to Hitlerowi to, czego chce, i przestałby dalej wzmacniać wojnę.</u>