When males go through puberty they get broadening of the chest and the deepening of the voice.
The potential energy in food is what we call a Calorie, which (note the capitalization) is actually a kiloCalorie (1000 calories). Just pick any food high in calories; fats and oils are very calorie dense.
We can use the word RINGER to memorize the characteristic of living things.
Respiration - the ability to breathe and respire.
Irritability - the ability to detect and react to stimulus
Nutrition - taking in nutrients (eg. Food) for energy to growth, repair etc
Growth - the permanent increase in size and mass
Excretion - to get rid of toxic, waste or excess materials
Reproduction - to make more of that organism.
In addition, there is also movement, which is an action which causes a change in place or position.
Only the organisms with these characteristics are categorized as living things.
Herbivore: it say herb in it therefore it eats plants
Anything not an animal of some sort (flowers) is going to be producer
Carnivores—> the word “carne” means meat so eats meat.
And decomposes are the things that get rid of dead animals and other stuff. They DECOMPOSE stuff