Slavery made some colonies more likely to exploit large numbers of enslaved africans
Usually, kids at this age are easily influenced by anything they see, either in their life, or on TV. So they will often try to imitate what happens on TV, whether consciously or unconsciously, that is not that important. Also, many studies have dealt with this question, and whether or not violence on TV actually causes violence of people in real life, but the results were always inconclusive.
B. Protectionism
By this policy they are able to guard their own industries from foreign competitors. They do this by usually taxing imports.
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La tarea de regulación fundamental del Segundo Banco de los Estados Unidos, como fletado por el Congreso en 1816, fue para frenar la proliferación desinhibida de papel moneda (billetes de banco) por los prestamistas estatales o privadas, que era muy rentable a estas instituciones.