Fever is a NON-SPECIFIC immune response, called a "constitutional symptom," because varies entities may initiate a pyrogenic (fever) response. Bacterial infection, Viral infection, inflammation, and auto-immune reactions can all cause a fever at some point of their processes.
Once you have stopped for a school bus, do not pass until the driver signals you to proceed, the red lights stop flashing, or the bus starts moving ahead. Whenever a vehicle ahead of you stops to let a pedestrian pass in front of you, you should stay in line and until the vehicle ahead proceeds.
True the bone cells do have different DNA than blood
Some isotopes are radioactive, which makes them suitable for medical imaging procedures. Radioactive isotopes have found a wide range of use in medicine. For example, they are used as tracers for diagnostic as well as research on metabolic processes. They are also used in medical imaging procedures, these isotopes include fluorine-18, gallium-67 among many others.