Sediment discharge was historically approximately 270 million cubic meters/year of suspended load and 130 million cubic meters/year of bedload. This has decreased 80% since 1850 and can be divided into three periods: historical period (pre 1900), pre-dam period (1932-1952), and post dam (1963-1982). Suspended sediment loads declined 43% between the historical and pre-dam and 51% from pre-dam to post-dam periods. The size of sediment also decreased drastically including a 72% decrease in the sand fraction. Most of this is due to dams on the tributaries acting as sediment traps primarily for the coarser sediments. Large-scale land clearing for agriculture contributed to increased sediment loads in the historic period.
Their roots take up water and minerals from the ground and their leaves absorb a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. They convert these ingredients into food by using energy from sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis, which means 'making out of light'. The foods are called glucose and starch.
<span>Myelitis is the inflammation of the spinal cord it also means inflammation of bone marrow. Transverse myelitis is an inflammation of both sides of one section of the spinal cord. This neurological disorder often damages the insulating material covering nerve cell fibers. Transverse myelitis interrupts the messages that the spinal cord nerves send throughout the body.</span>
That would be PH and Salinity and Temperature
It is a beneficial mutation.
Explanation: Mutations are permanent changes in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA. Mutations can beneficial, neutral and harmful or deleterious. When change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA a mutation enhances the effectiveness of a protein or improves the protein function, it is said to be beneficial. When a mutation causes the synthesis of a protein which have the same amino acid as the original protein and performs the same function as the original protein, it is said to be silent or neutral. When a mutation results in the synthesis of a protein with an altered amino acid sequence and a nonfunctional protein, it is said to be harmful.