Cells are arranged to form different types of TISSUE, which then work to perform specific jobs for the well-being of the animal.
I got you :)
The molecular clock (based on the molecular clock hypothesis (MCH)) is a technique in molecular evolution that uses fossil constraints and rates of molecular change to deduce the time in geologic history when two species or other taxa diverged. It is used to estimate the time of occurrence of events called speciation or radiation. The molecular data used for such calculations is usually nucleotide sequences for DNA or amino acid sequences for proteins. It is sometimes called a gene clock or evolutionary clock.
The doctor or nurse will ask a urine sample of the daughter for lab analysis to check for bacteria, red blood cells or white blood cells. Sometimes after the urine lab analysis it will be followed by a urine culture. This test will tell the doctor what kinds of bacteria are the source of the infection and which treatment or medicine will work the most. If the daughter is having frequent infections or low grade fever that the doctor concludes that it may have been caused by an abnormality in the urinary tract, she may have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a computerized tomography (CT) scan or ultrasound. The doctor or nurse may use a contrast dye as well to highlight structures in the child’s urinary tract. Moreover, the doctor may conduct a cystoscopy, using a long, thin tube with a lens (cystoscope) to see inside the child’s bladder and urethra if the child will have recurrent UTIs.