Get a job college is not worth your money or time, also don't do loans thats how I got in debt :(
If i'm not wrong it's objective information
<span>b. His new watch is self-winding, but it still needs a battery.
It contains a conjunction between the two clauses and has a comma too.
Hope this helps. </span>
Certain models have been designed to explain how we process speech. The blank in the sentence has been filled below:
- A significant shortcoming of the three cueing systems model, compared to the four-part processing model, is that it obscures the role of <u>phonological processing</u> in word recognition.
The three cueing systems model is thought by language instructors who show that students can understand words better by examining;
- Their semantics that is meaning of words,
- Their syntax, and
- Their grapho-phonics composition which is about visualization.
The four-part processing model is higher as it evaluates, meaning, context, phonology, and orthography. Phonology is not accounted for in the three cueing systems.
Learn more here:
<span>He introduces a major conflict.
Hope this helps!</span>