Answer: The Captivity of Judah.
Jehoiakim had been put into power by the Egyptian King, Pharaoh Nico who had defeated Judah as he marched to face the Babylonians. When the Babylonians defeated the Egyptians, Jehoiakim became a vassal to Nebuchadnezzar I of Babylon.
Jeremiah was a renowned prophet in Judah at the time and prophesied that due to Jehoiakim's many sinful ways, Judah would fall and be captured. This came to pass when Jehoiakim rebelled against the Babylonians and Nebuchadnezzar came and defeated Judah and killed Jehoiakim.
When the western Roman empire collapsed in 476 AD, the unifying force for most of Europe was gone. Along with the loss of the government, much of the engineering abilities and "modern amenities" were also lost. The "barbarians" of Europe did not, for the most part, have the abilities or knowledge to build roads, aqueducts or the other marvels of the Roman Empire, which is why the period immediately after Rome's collapse is often referred to as the "Dark Ages".
The only unifying force of any sort left would be Constantine's Roman Catholic church, which did manage to preserve some of the knowledge and vestiges of the empire. As the only thing left really, it became the main power in the European world throughout the Middle Ages, functioning almost as an imperial government until Luther set off the Reformation in 1546.
Answer: It caused a spike in newspaper sales
The state visit of liaquat Ali khan to the United States from 3 May to 26 May 1950,was an official state visit paid by liaquat Ali Khan, accompanied by the First Lady of Pakistan, Ra'anna Liaquat Ali
Khan .