Información del autor. Antes de su muerte, Jesús de Nazaret fue torturado que incluyó latigazos, golpes, y por último su crucifixión. Hemos querido conocer como fue ese sufrimiento desde el punto de visto médico . La causa de la muerte, según los especiliatistas habría sido un edema pulmonar.
Author information. Before his death, Jesus of Nazareth was tortured which included whipping, beatings, and finally his crucifixion. We wanted to know how that suffering was from a medical point of view. The cause of death, according to specialists, would have been pulmonary edema.
Communicable Diseases are illnesses which are caused by pathogens or microorganisms, e.g virus, and bacteria, that are transmitted from one person or animal to another in different ways. It can spread through contact with body fluids or blood, sexual contact, contaminated food, and water, or through the air.With the advancement of medical science, different ways of controlling communicable diseases have emerged throughout the centuries and have been proven to lessen the mortality rate as time passed.One is the development of Immunization. Immunization; to make one's body immune to a certain disease so it will be easier for the body to combat the pathogens in contact with it. Until now, production of Immunization is still being updated depending upon the diseases that are currently affecting the majority. The development of immunization has given medical science, then and now, a very big impact in controlling diseases. How does it work? Immunization boosts the body's natural immunity whenever microorganisms enter the body. The body identifies these microorganisms as foreign elements, thus releasing certain kinds of cells to help fight off the infection.Hope this helps!!
Being in a healthy and supportive relationship can actually have a big boost on your happiness level, according to several studies. Being in love has a big effect on your oxytocin level, which promotes bonding and comfort. This is why you love being around your partner, and why just being near them can boost your mood.
Unrequited love can be emotionally painful. It can make us feel deep sadness and it can lead to depression in some people. Emotions can be all over the place and difficult to control, with people describing feeling angry, jealous, ashamed and anxious.
Research has found that poor-quality or unhappy relationships have a higher negative influence on physical and mental health than not being in a relationship. Evidence suggests that men and women treat friendships differently, with women being more likely to have broader, more intimate relationships than men.
A. attacking the opponent's goal. is the best answer!!!!!
Not making his/her status known to the person the transactional sex is conducted with.
Unprotected sex when indeed infected intensionally or unintensionally
hope it helps