A combination of Rhetorical Strategies
G. Adolescents do not want to leave home if all of their needs are met. H. Adolescents ... normal makes me feel better because it helps me realize that I'm not alone and that this is a shared ... write poetry while being proud to show others. 3. 4 ... Read stanzas 1–3 of “Summer of His Fourteenth Year” aloud.
Credible would be
Someone who's credible is honest and believable. ... Similar to words like reliable and plausible, credible is an adjective that comes to us from the Latin credibilis, meaning “worthy to be believed.” A credible reputation is often earned through consistent good behavior and an overall trustworthy personality.
Yes, you can use draw or tie in these sentences they are grammatical. This explains a game between Japan and Korea and whether or not if and who won the game.