The scientist that Frankenstein admired when he was a teenager was Cornelius Agrippa.
He was a German scientist, but also an occult writer. His works resonated with young Frankenstein's gullible and voracious mind, so he had a huge influence on his later endeavors.
On November 9, the news networks announced that Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (states in which Hillary Clinton led in the polls) gave the last 30 voters to define the winner to Donald Trump, who became the forty-fifth president of the United States. . Clinton accepted the defeat against Trump, who won the 2016 presidential election with 304 electoral votes against Clinton's 227.1 The states that gave him (against most predictions) Trump's victory were, mainly, the states industrialists of the Great Lakes region: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In addition to these, the Republican candidate also managed to prevail in the two major states in dispute, or "swing states", of recent decades: Ohio and Florida, and in other minor "swing" states such as Arizona, Georgia, Iowa and Carolina. North. Clinton, on the other hand, took over contested states such as Colorado, Nevada, Virginia and New Hampshire.
Therefore, the Republican candidate Trump won the elections, despite having obtained the support of 2.8 million voters less than his Democratic rival. As data scientist Azhar Hamdan points out, in the end the 2016 elections were not decided by that advantage of almost three million votes from Hillary Clinton, but rather the narrower advantage of just 78,000 votes that Trump achieved in three counties of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
Option A.
A scientist who helped survey the new national capital, is the right answer.
Benjamin Banneker can be best described as a free African-American journal author, astronomer, naturalist, farmer and surveyor from America. Banneker has been regarded as the leading African-American man of science. At the request of President Thomas Jefferson, he joined a group under the leadership of Major Andrew Ellicott that inspected the primary boundaries of the District of Columbia, the national capital region of the U.S. He was the only person who in two days presented a complete layout of the major buildings, parks and streets.
The Hittites had a significant advantage over other ancient civilization in their advanced metallurgy. They developed iron well before contemporary rivals, using it in their weapons, tools, and armor.
Being rich
those are at least the 5 wants in todays society i believe :D