Determining the middle wage is not an expressed power of the legislative branch. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option. The congress does have the power to collect, borrow as well as coin money.
It does not have the power of setting up the wage of any person or worker.
Legislative Branch: Headed by Congress, which involves the House of Representatives and the Senate. The central task of these two organizations is to make the laws. Its powers involve passing laws, beginning spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and supporting treaties (Senate).
I'd say to a pretty good extent.
Here's a list of the benefits:
"-it contributed to the US becoming a Global Power
-brought the US together with other Nations (Transportation)
-made products more affordable
-production of things is must faster and this allows us to get more goods
-left a better and easier way of life for those struggling
-better living conditions today
<span>-make our society more efficient and convenient </span>
-allowed more opportunities to arise for people (first man on the moon)
-population and life expectancy increased
<span>-allows us to learn/discover more about the past"</span>
The reason why photographs capture images of distant galaxies much younger then they are at the moment the photograph was taken is because a picture that is taken can see what you see. What I mean is that you can see things because you're receiving the light produced by distant objects and by the time you can see distant objects the light has already been traveling. An Example of this is our sun when we look up and see our sun we're seeing about 8 minutes into the past because of the time it takes for light to travel from the sun to our planet.
Hope this helped.
Yes Parsons was a dangerous man
All the men were found guilty: Parsons, August Spies, Adolph Fisher, Louis Lingg and George Engel were given the death penalty.