Geographic isolation could be caused by a number of environmental factors. If a population of people or species live on an island, amongst mountains, in difficult to navigate terrain, or deep into rainforest or forests generally these groups could experience geographic isolation. Geographic largely occurs if a population or group of people or animals live in a remote region of the world that has little access to others due to any number of geographic features.
Ears are the organs of hearing in animals. The primary function of ears in animals is to detect sound. Big ears of some animals like elephant, rabbit keep them cool. Ears help the animals to hear the sound of predators, so that they can escape and prevent themselves from them....
The correct answer is speech impairment.
Speech impairment refers to a condition in which an individual is unable to communicate clearly and be coherently understood by others due to difficulties in their speech and articulation. Individuals with speech impairments might be unable to pronounce words correctly, produce speech sounds and speak with abnormal duration, pitch or vocal quality.
The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the Congress of the United States. The members of the house of Representatives are representing all the congressional districts of all the 50 states of the United States. The number of representatives is based on the population of each district. Every time there is a national census, the number of members can be adjusted or not. Currently there are 435 members of The House of Representatives.