Well, it's like with Suffragettes, a group of women fighting for the rights of women, well it's not completely like it, however, with the fight for women's rights, society had created a certain mindset, that women were a weaker sex, and that all and any of their value came with how the men saw them, they had no rights and they were thought of to need men. With Slavery, society had created a certain mind set that most people no longer hold, they believed that people of colour were lower than them, that they didn't deserve to have rights. The dehumanized them like they did with people from India, and as they dehumanized the slaves, it was easier for them to be able to treat them so poorly. Society had created this view and everyone else agreed. It was to help themselves and take over. Not to mention that Glory, Gold and Land was so important back then, people really didn't care about others, if they felt like someone wasn't of their status, they treated them poorly. Just like in Harry Potter, the purebloods had all gotten this ideology that they were better than anyone less than them, they taught their children and acted on their beliefs.
Scout is a very advanced student and for that instead of being rewarded and given additional attention and assignments that would further her development she is instead reprimanded for it. Her teacher Miss Caroline is limiting what students can know and come into contact with. She even wanted her to stop reading with her father so she could do that only at school. Scout feels extremely bored and feels like she is missing a lot she could be learning about the world. She is being cheated out of knowledge which is ironic as school should be one of the places that can give children a lot of information and knowledge.
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1. Payment history-%35
2. Amounts owed-%30
3. Length of credit history-%15
4. New credit-%10
5. Types of credit in use-%10
Islam <em>is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion that teaches that there is only one God (Allah) and that </em><em>Muhammad is a messenger of God.</em>
It is also the second largest religion in the world with more than 1.9 billion adherents, or 24.4 percent of the world's population, commonly referred to as Muslims.
Islam believes that Allah is gracious, all-powerful, and special, and through prophets, revealing scriptures, has guided humanity.
Since it has the most Red, I'd say the US (d).