The temporalis muscle: <u> is a powerful muscle that runs from near the top of the head to the lower part of the jaw.</u>
The temporalis muscle originates on the parietal bone and the sphenoid bone. It is inserted in the coronoid process of the mandible and the retromolar fossa. In simple words, it runs from the top side of the head to the lower part of the jaw, elevating and retracting the jaw.
i dont believe theres a question in what you wrote, but if you made a mistake let me know and I'll try my best to help out!
A person with an active life needs approximately 1,8g of protein per kg of corporal weight.
1 lbs is 0.4535 kg
we convert lbs to kg
177lbs........x= 80.2858kg
If 1.8g of proteins are in 1 kg in 80.2858kg are in....
80.2858g.........x= 144.51g
The following foods are made from grains; Oatmeal, Brown Rice and Whole wheat bread except for Fish. Fish is a meat. The grain food group consists of foods that come from cultivated cereal crops. This means they are grown from plants. Fish is a living animal which is found in the seawater and is used as meat for human consumption.