A. Their thoughts on Jesus Christ.
Judaism does not believe in the New Testament, and so they do not believe in Jesus.
Islam believes in Jesus as a prophet, not the son of God. They also believe Jesus is lesser than Muhammad.
Christianity believes that Jesus is the Son of God, and one with God, as well as is God.
linda understands willy's fear of abandonment, this is reflected in her insistence that Biff be attentive to his father
linda recognizes that willy's fears have turned him into a really flawed person
begs biff to look past those flaws and see the good in his father
Actually, I would argue that to some extend all of them are true:
An opinion is a personal view or attitude.
-this is definitely true, it's basically a definition of an opinion
An opinion is often indicated by the use of adjectives.
-this is true! for example "my teacher is nice"
An opinion is often used as evidence in a news article.
-this is the weakest statement (but I think that it's still not false). I would however choose this as the right answer: opinion is not an evidence for anything except this opinion ( so it's valid for example for the news of "the president thinks that" if the opinion is that of the president.
An opinion has the potential to promote bias.
- this is true!
The former empire of Austria-Hungary was dissolved, and new nations were created from its land: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. The Ottoman Turks had to give up much of their land in southwest Asia and the Middle East. In Europe, they retained only the country of Turkey.
The answer is "seventy percent".
Sexual harassment becomes chargeable and it is reported that more than half of the female officers are in one way or other are harassed by their male counterparts.