It is true
Use the DNA for the identification of suspects, it has been classified among secretors and non-secretors. In the category of secretors are individuals whose body fluids can be classified, through the determination of their blood group, with saliva being the most suitable substance.
Non-secretors can be classified but blood particles cannot be detected in the fluids.
PROTEIN → Methionine-Valine-Proline-Stop codon-Stop codon (AUG GUA CCU UAA UGA)
In nucleic acids (i.e., DNA and RNA), base complementarity refers to the interaction between antiparallel strands. In the double helix DNA molecule, adenine always interacts with thymine (uracil in RNA), while cytosine always interacts with guanine. Moreover, amino acids are encoded by codons, i.e., triplets of nucleotides in the messenger RNA (mRNA). Finally, stop codons are triplets of mRNA nucleotides (e.g., UAG, UAA, UGA) that indicates the end of the protein-coding sequence.
Northern hemisphere : Summer because it is tilted towards the sun.
Southern Hemisphere : Winter because it is tilted away from the sun.