because the tree will give is survival by oxygen and take co2 too from us, The sentimental value of a special tree is simply immeasurable. ... ingredient of rubber. How many more uses can you name?
Explanation: I consider myself that can be described by a Narra tree because I am also strong and even many... How would you describe your own beauty?
i cant help
the pdf cant donlond but i wish i could
Its better to die young than old and weak .
An implied message is the type of message where an idea is not directly stated, rather it is subtly inferred.
Therefore, to identify an implied message in a sentence:
- First understand the main idea
- Then, observe the supporting details that back up the main idea
For example, if someone says: "This car is a jet", he does not mean that the car is literally a jet, but implies that the car is fast and can get to top speed in a short time.
As a result of this, follow the above guideline to get an implied message's meaning
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