The world we live in today is not very different to 1984 in the way that our government watches what we do through our devices and through cameras we may not see. The government today also uses the websites we use every day to influence us. for instance, the adds on our social media sites are put there because of what the microphone on our computer or phone heard. the news today is also some what similar in the way that political candidates or the producers of the news outlet, can force or influence us to agree with them over what would normally seem logical or morally right.
C, he rescued civilians, hope this helps :)
Today is a joyous occasion and a time to say goodbye to an amazing principal. It's an honor having you as the principal of this school.
You are a rare kind and have a wonderful personality. I remembered how you always held a meeting with the prefects in order to ensure that we were doing the right things and to ensure that the school was moving forward.
Today is a joyous occasion because you deserve this retirement. The entire students want to use this medium to say "Happy retirement sir" and we wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
God bless you sir.
Senior Prefect.
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Non fiction is a writing that is based on real life stuff and the text features things like stories in history and other things
Logic is a sentence that evaluates arguments, a premise is a statement in an argument that provides reason or support for the conclusion they can be one or many promises in a single argument conclusion is a statement in an argument that indicates of what the arguer is trying to convince the reader or listener.