The Executive branch must receive approval from "the Senate" when appointing heads of executive departments, ambassadors, and Federal Court Judges, since this is one of the most important examples of the system of "checks and balances" that exists in the US.
It spread to China and became popular
The northwest was when Indians took over the winnapisake river and ate a raccoon
The Columbian Exchange was when the old world (Europe) trade with the new world (America) items. for example: Old World had horses. So if Europe never came to America... we wouldn't have them. Or new world had tomatoes. If Europe didn't have tomatoes... We wouldn't have pizza or delicious Italian goods.
The introduction of this essay could be considered the first paragraphs:
.....The Mystery of Loch Ness By Kayden Mitchell Of all the mysteries in the world, none has been as popular as that of the Loch Ness Monster. Perhaps the biggest mystery is whether it is convincing evidence or a simple desire to believe that keeps the myth alive. Loch Ness is a lake in Scotland. The loch, or lake, is known for sightings of a mysterious monster. Most who see this monster, known as Nessie, describe something with a long neck and several humps above the water. Sometimes the "monster" is moving in these sightings, and sometimes it is still. Many have suggested that Nessie might be a plesiosaur (plea-see-a-soar), an aquatic dinosaur that was trapped in the loch after the last ice age. ...
For this, we need to consider what is an introduction to a text, and how is different from the body (the main text composed of the body paragraphs) the conclusions. In the introduction as you can see in the image I provide, the introduction gives us the general idea what the essay will be about, posing the main ideas and also the opinion or the idea which will guide the entire text. Usually, introductions limit to be descriptions and presentations of the ideas that later in the body will be the subject of arguments or defending a position regarding a particular subject.