He's 52 years old. Date of Birth is... February 17, 1963
what got people motivated was that it basically said that if you lived on the government given land for 5 years than it was yours.
Frederick III of Ernestine Saxony, commonly known as Frederick the Wise, became the first patron of the Protestant Reformation due to his defense of Luther during the early days of the Wittenberg reforms.
Frederick III of Ernestine Saxony, commonly known as Frederick the Wise, became the first patron of the Protestant Reformation due to his defense of Luther during the early days of the Wittenberg reforms. A known patron of humanist letters and art, especially the work of painters Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach, his founding of the university in Wittenberg provided fertile ground from which the Reformation would grow. His relationship to Luther and Protestant theology, however, remains complex. Very little is known of his motives, politically or religiously, for supporting the reform. Whether out of obligation to a professor at the university he founded, dynastic rivalry, or sincere religious conviction, Frederick allowed the Protestant movement associated with Luther to gain important momentum during its infancy and sought its political legitimation thereafter.
The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty between the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, and the Schalmadik League, which was an alliance of Lutherans princes within the Roman Empire.
The treaty officially ended the religious struggles between two groups and made a legal division within the Christianity beliefs. It allowed rulers to choose either Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism as the official confessions of their state.
Although the treaty, other Protestantism branches were not allowed, like Calvinism so, despite they would be able to live in a Lutheran state they were not protected and could be charged with heresy.
It was not until the Peace of Westphalia that these gain their legal recognition.
I hope this answer helps you.
The answer to your question is Galileo