The British desire to close the Port of Boston and to capture the Colonial militia's weapons.
A and B -----> A Bill of Rights and Article I, II, and III to separate powers in the government
The Mexican army attacked them. The main cause of the war was the westward expansion of the United States. All through the 19th century Americans believed it was their right to expand westward. At the time they believed they could conquer the people already living on the land and take it for the United States.
Minor parties are sometimes referred to as third parties.
In 1912 the Progressive Party nominated Theodore Roosevelt for president.
Third parties hold beliefs major parties do not support.
Some problems third parties have are the lack of financial support and little attention from newspapers and television.
The United States is one of a number of countries that have a two party political system.
The United States has a two-party political system, with Democrats and Republicans covering all of the candidates that have become president since the mid-1800s, despite many third parties fielding presidential candidates.
The Green Party, Reform Party, Libertarians, Constitution Party, and Natural Law Party are only some of the most active third parties.
Often, third parties shape national politics by bringing awareness to issues previously overlooked by the main parties.