Answer: Lactic acid fermentation
The lactic acid fermentation can be defined as the process by which sugar is being converted into lactic acid.
There is no emission of carbon dioxide during the whole process. In case of curd formation. The bacteria convert the milk into curd and provides it a sour taste.
It is converted by help of bacteria known as Lactobacillus acidophillus. This method is very frequently in many of food processing industry.
The genus and the Species
Loss of cell wall integrity or
Grams staining i a staining method used to classify bacteria into two main classes. Gram positive and Gram negative.
They are differentiated according to the ability of their cell wall to retain the primary stain color of the crystal violet stain or the counter stain pink.
Bacillus subtilis is a Gram positive bacteria hence it is supposed to stain purple.
Therefore, when it stained pink is an error. it shows loss of the cell wall integrity due to old age, overdecolorization or over fixing with heat.
All eukaryotic cells have Membrane bound nucleus while Prokaryotes don't.