Syndicated Data
Syndicated is a general data which does not represents a single entity, it includes a vast number of entities data that is aggregated to analyze how much value the company can drive from this aggregate amount. So the data that helps in analyzing the environment in general to plan the future move of organization is known as Syndicated Data. The manager is collecting aggregate data that comes from a wide number of bands, including industry sales by musical styles, online views, etc. is a syndicated data.
Answer: 2 years
Years of existing of the firm=30 years
Number of associates= 300,
Number of Managers= 70;
Number of partners= 30;
Total number of workers=400
Number of years associates has been changed in last 30 year=30/5=6
Number of years managers has been changed in last 30 year=30/3=10
Number of times for partner=x
Number of years partners has been changed in last 30 year=30/x=15
x=2 years
in folklore, a narrative containing information about actual persons and events. Originating from the tales of eyewitnesses, the traditional account departs from its original factual basis when retold and becomes subject to free poetic interpretation.
1. The Accelerator Theory of Investment 2. The Internal Funds Theory of Investment 3. The Neoclassical Theory of Investment.
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