What was specific about his painting technique was that he would always try to involve the viewer of the painting by drawing eyes and the positioning of his characters in such a way that it always seems as if they're maintaining eye contact with the audience. This was done using various perspectives and is kind of like an illusion, similarly to how the Mona Lisa is painted.
120 eighth notes per minute.
The timing is a jig, (6/8 timing) meaning that there are 6 beats per measure and the 8th note gets one beat. 120 is the metronome speed, indicating that the piece must be played at the speed of 120 eighth notes per minute.
Hope this helps!
all-and-response begins with a melodic “phrase.” This is a group of notes that expresses a musical idea. The phrase can be purely vocal or can be played on an instrument. It can also be a mixture of the two. For example, B.B. King was known to make the call with his voice, and answer it with his guitar.