please send a better picture
Strengths: High personality, scientific eminence, curiosity,knowledge,persistence, kind,creative, loves to read, hardworking. like to share discoveries - which basically made him a teacher.
Weakness: Suffers from memory Loss
A well-know saying is "Nothing is as well amazing to be true"
1. Kebijakan larangan pembatasan ekspor dan impor adalah kebijakan dimana pemerintah tidak melakukan diskriminasi terhadap ekspor maupun impor.
2. Kebijakan Tarif Perdagangan dan Bea Cukai adalah kebijakan dimana pemerintah memberikan beban atau dana kepada barang ekspor maupun impor.
3. Kebijakan Impor dalam Negeri adalah kebijakan pemerintah untuk melindungi impor yang masuk dari luar negeri.
Perdagangan Internasional adalah kegiatan transaksi atau tukar-menukar barang dan jasa yang dilakukan antarnegara.
The West is known for its wealthy supply of mineral resources such as oil, coal, lead, silver, gold, and copper. Many of these minerals are found in the Rocky Mountains. The West is the center of the timber industry. Much of the wood products used in the U.S. come from the West (lumber, cardboard, paper, books).
u welcome
every animal and human beings need water to survive.
according to me I think it's camels cuz it can survive without water for days.