Some students feel the four-day school week provides an opportunity for extra rest and a less stressful environment. Being out of school one extra day per week allows students to relax or to be more productive. The four-day format provides opportunities for an extra work day at an after-school job, engaging in volunteer activities or pursuing additional educational goals. Also, students who are athletes don't miss as much class and have less work to make up when events occur on a day off. Teachers and administrators also benefit from this because
The day i met this person is a day i wish i could undo.The boy end up taking control of me to the point gas lighting. It really hurt me not only as a person but as to never be vulnerable again.This person took something so special from me i can never truly get it back. It feel like the day i met him and the day they he hurt me a point was in my back till it went all the way through to the point i finally realized i was stabbed in the back .I regretted even befriending him but i do not regret saving his life .
Explanation: vs nature, because the vegetation caused the bugs to hit the man so nature was technically against him
You should start a farming business and grow crops to save the animals from harm