For the answer to the question above,
Well, I believe the answer on your question is 3 parts.
1. Part A is attached to the detainee in order to restrict detainee's movement, could be made from any type of durable material.
2. The Part B is retained by the capturing unit and maintained in the unit's records lastly.
3. The Part C is attached to the tools/belongings confiscated from the detainee, so it could be matched later.
Option b
A partnership in business, is a business relationship and every business relationship is required to be accountable for its affairs, reporting and taxable because they engage in business activity as any business activity is meant to reporting to government on its returns which is a portion of what ever business activity had been carried out through tax remissions. So yes a partnership is reporting and taxable.
Answer: My greatest achievement was that time I knocked out a donkey with one punch. Settle down ladies, I’m taken.
I will be discussing my relationship with a friend and what dialectical tensions we faced altogether. So, when I first met this friend, he was a complete stranger to me and we met in a local market accidentally where our shopping bags got exchanged. We met officially to exchange bags and then got to know each other in a formal discussion. Soon, that bonding developed but there was still uncertainty about this bond
(Predictability/novelty). There was some bizarre tension in my mind to ask him out to meet again but then again it was a kind of some uncomfortable pull that didn't let me do it. When I got to know him better I soon realized that he was too open about his things and experiences and I could not be open the same way about my life(Openness/closeness). Another tension suddenly which we faced was to connect properly and that too how to maintain a bond since we shared quite a bunch of things such as the interest in similar books, TV shows, etc (Autonomy/connectedness).
Learn more about relationships here
As of 2017 only about 42,000 farms remained in Georgia, and less than 10 percent of Georgia’s citizens worked in agriculture or forestry. Slightly more than 9.9 million acres are classified as farmland, with an average farm size of 235 acres. Nearly half of all Georgia farms made less than $2,500 in 2017, while 15 percent made more than $100,000.