When the author attempts to gain the audience’s personal trust, the author is using ethos.
Sunny~ ☺
Hello there.
Why is it important to select a topic that has a broad scope?
To incorporate general as well as focused information on the topic.
Honestly i dont know why this is the memory that pops up but it reminds me of when i started taking care of my sister
Everyday I wake up earlier, to study or to complete the homework I haven't done last night. I go to school at about 11:40 am. I arrive home at 18:00 pm, and I am really tired. After I eat, I play 30 mins on my console or I am reading a book. I do my homework at about 19:00 pm and after I finish, I go to sleep at about 21:00 pm. In the weekend, I wake up at about 10 am, I eat, and I watch a serial for 1-2 hour(s). I hangout with my friends in the afternoon and when I arrive home, I do my homework for the next week. Sunday is that day where you just want to sleep. This is my typical week in my everyday life.
In <em>Gulliver's Travels</em>, Swift satirizes different aspects of English society. He discuses different problems society faces and criticizes how the country is governed. The author depicts the problems in a different context each time that each voyage takes place in a different place and in a different form. He just tries to describe the problems of the society through fairy-tale, satirizing the aspects like politics, literature, philosophy and literature. Therefor, the correct answer is D.