Random segregation of homologous chromosomes makes the two siblings differ from each other for 0-23 chromosomes.
Sexual reproduction adds genetic variations in the progeny by crossing over, independent segregation of homologous chromosomes and random fusion of gametes. Without crossing over, independent segregation of homologous chromosomes towards opposite poles during anaphase I of meiosis may result in two siblings to vary from each other for 0-23 chromosomes.
There is an equal probability of each of the two siblings to get a chromosome from mother or father. Hence, irrespective of the variations provided by crossing over, random segregation of homologous chromosomes makes the two siblings differ from each other for 0-23 chromosomes.
Los aminoácidos químicamente son sustancias que estan formadas como su nombre lo indica, por un grupo amino y uno carboxilo, unidos ambos a un carbono central. Recordemos que el átomo de carbono tiene valencia 4, es decir, tiene cuatro lugares para sostener enlaces. Por lo tanto el resto los puede ocupar con átomos de hidrógeno u otras cadenas carbonadas a las que simbolizamos con la letra R. R puede ser un grupo metilo o un etilo o un gruo de más carbonos o también un anillo aromático, etc
What looks like fluffy ball?
They release CO2 (just like us, when we breathe). But, when plants are photosynthesizing. They release the oxygen through the same pores that allow the CO2 to enter their leaf cells.