The principle will be Equality, Justice, and Liberty.
Democracy throughout the U.S is guided by three values around which the country's economic socio-political structure is founded: liberty, freedom, and fairness (justice).
- The nation, therefore, advocates equality for all its people, seeing this right as that of the privilege of every male and female to determine their respective existence without even any restriction whatsoever. To do this, it is the role of the government as well as the legislation treat everyone equally reasonably, that is, there was no other advantage than economic worth.
- Ultimately, the convergence of both principles means the creation of a just society in which the honest is compensated as well as the incorrect is persecuted and in which the fruit of each dedication and commitment is received.
They felt that we were oppressing the indigenious peoples of conquered lands (which we were).
if you discuss themes Greek theatre were really big on fate and destiny, hate and love, etc
depending if you're writing it for specifically a play, then I would require more info.
The literary work "The Weary Blues" has been one of the most prominent lyrical poems during the contemporary American literature. The poem tells about an African-American which is a performer and occasionally plays the piano at a nightclub in Lenox Avenue located in Harlem, New York City.