Dignity can play a role it should not. The dignity comes into effect if and when a party concerned is unable to participate fully in an activity of society in the event of insufficient funds for any item/purchase/luxury suggestively needed for this activity.
Starting in the 1900s, technologies and industrial developments advanced enormously, modifying the living conditions of human beings in general, throughout the entire width and length of the earth's surface.
Thus, starting with the Industrial Revolution of the mid-1800s, technologies such as the steam engine and the development of automated means of production generated a series of technological advances that allowed a greater modification of the environmental environment of human beings, in in order to guarantee better living conditions.
Now, these modifications, which at first were not harmful or at least not to a great extent, over the years and the development of technological advances began to impact the environment: the extraction of raw materials began To generate scarcity of them, the emission of gases into the atmosphere began to generate the phenomenon of global warming, and even indiscriminate hunting led to the extinction of hundreds of thousands of animal species.
Nondisjunction occurs when chromosomes do not align and separate properly prior to the formation of daughter cells, during meiosis I or II. This means that some gametes are missing some chromosomes, and other gametes have extra chromosomes.
This is usually lethal, however, some genetic disorders in humans are caused by chromosome nondisjunction. For example, Down's syndrome is caused when the original gamete has an extra copy of chromosome 21, meaning the individual contains 3 copies of chromosome 21.
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes.”
I believe within its regulated in a much more local way, like states and then within towns and then cities,etc. This is my guess though for the "within" Part