Santa María (22 de agosto de 2013),
Santiaguito (24 de agosto de 2016),
Pacaya (2021),
Fuego en guatemala (3 de junio de 2018),
Arenal en el noroeste de Costa Rica (2010)
Ellos / ellas / ustedes = traerían
Tú = Mirarías
Yo / él / ella /usted = comería
Nosotros = iríamos
Ellos (they-masculine) / ellas (they-femenine) / ustedes (you-plural): is used for two or more people, the ending "ían" is always for two or more people.
Tú (you): you, a single person, "ías" is always for the person you are talking to.
Yo (I) // él (he - him) // ella (she - her) // usted (you-politely): all of them are used with the ending "ía". "Usted" is used if you talk to an older person, and you finish verbs as if you where talking to them in third person.
Nosotros (we-us): always ending with "íamos"