Blood (deoxygenated) from the upper parts of the body above the diaphragm collect into the superior vena cava, blood(deoxygenated) from the lower part of the body collect into the inferior vena cava. These two vena cavae empty their contents alongside the coronary sinus (veins from the heart itself) into the right atrium. The blood is then pumped into the right ventricle via the tricuspid valve. From here,blood goes into pulmonary circulation thus,to the Lungs via the pulmonary semilunar valves through the pulmonary arteries. The oxygenated blood returns to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins and is pumped into the left ventricle via the mitral valve. Oxygenated blood is now pumpued under high pressure through the aorta via the aortic semilunar valves into systemic circulation
His first step was to "Evaluate the Decision".
Just let him down nicely and if he is not a emotinonl mess then he will understand but if he is an emotional mess than just say you will think about it. But if you like like him then say yass girl go get your mans.
His body is more healthy and fit.
Brendan's high fitness scores shows that his body is more healthy and fit as compared to other people because high score can only be obtained if the body is healthy and full of fitness. Brendan eats healthy diet and proper exercise made him very healthy and fit. There is also a lower risk of diseases to him due to strong immune system so that's why we can say that Brendan's high fitness scores indicates his healthier and fit body.